Friday, November 9, 2018

An Update

Today I have a little break from work so I figured that I'd take some time to let you all in on how I've been doing.

It's been about 3 months since I've had the infusion... which means I have 3 more months till my next one... and I'm actually looking forward to it!

I've been feeling wonderful. I wouldn't even say I've had any "off days" more like "off hours" where I need to just slow down and take a break.

My energy level has been fantastic, and I've even been able to add running back into my life (slowly, but I'm up to 2.5 miles walk/run). It's been very important to me to take advantage of this new found energy and positivity. Although I have always been active, it isn't always easy for me to convince myself to leave the couch and get out there and do stuff (I'm sure like most people)... recently my body wants to get up and get out there... it wants to be social, it wants to work hard, I don't have to convince it anymore... and I LOVE IT.

Another big thing that I've noticed is that I have more of a desire to do things with friends.

Even if I don't want to admit it, I got very anti-social during all of this. I wasn't sure how I would be feeling ... would I get out and then feel strange and want to go home.

My disease is invisible, and while most of my friends understand and don't judge me I was getting very tired of always have an excuse to stay in. Now my mind is craving interaction with others, and it's something that I didn't even know I was missing.

Each day I notice small things that make me think "man, was I this much 'off' before all of  this" - it's been an exciting way to re-discover who I am as a person.

I'll be interested to see how the next few months go, as most people say when you get closer to the infusion and the b-cells start to replenish you can start to feel worse again. Luckily I know that will be short-lived this time!

I can only hope that all of you head into this holiday season, with good health, happy thoughts, and lots of love. Be thankful for what you have and be sure to treasure all the small moments in life.

Much Love.

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