Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Dog Days of Summer

Oh Hello.

It's actually a good sign that you haven't heard from me in a while, as I have been feeling pretty decent. The medicine is doing it's thing with minimal side effects. What more could a girl ask for?

Back in April I attended the MS Walk in Baltimore with some amazing people by my side.

It was a cold April day, unlike today, but we walked the 3 miles to show our support of the MS Society and what they do daily for people living with MS.

After the walk I had my yearly MRI and checkup, which showed a slight progression with the disease- however since nothing clinically has changed we are keeping the course, just changing my yearly checkup to a 6 month check up.

I am okay with this.

This small progression led me to join a research study which is looking at the effects of glucose in a MRI study instead of the normal contrast dye. It's pretty interesting to be a part of what could change the whole course of the MRI process, and from what I could tell the glucose did play a part in confirming the progression.  (this is the cliff note version of this experience)

I am in good hands.

In the past few months I have tried to push myself and one of those accomplishments happened when I took on the Hart-Miller Island 5 Miler. After signing up I immediately regretted my decision.

What if it was too hot?

What if I came in last place?

What if I had to be picked up in the golf cart?

I swallowed all of these fears and completed the race (not in last place) I ran about 1.5 miles, and walked the rest of the way. I made a friend a long the way who was also walking, we bonded, and I knew that I was there for a reason. Although 8 years ago I would have run the whole thing- I have learned how far I can push myself.

This journey has taught me to throw out the what ifs... (or at lease try to) it has taught me to listen to my body (although I try to fight it) it has taught me to value my friendships (I mean look how many people showed up to walk in the freezing cold with me) and it has taught me to enjoy the moments (even if I have to sit in the AC instead of by the pool today- not bitter at all)


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