Thursday, February 1, 2018

It's Been A While

So the good news is I completely forgot to update this since I have been feeling so good recently!

I am just about to finish my 3rd month of the medicine and everything has been going great. 

When I first talked medication with my doctor he said to me: You will be so surprised at how bad you actually were feeling.. and he was right.

I had become so used to may daily "symptoms"-- Numb legs, feeling off balance, dizzy, a general brain fog all day... that I just assumed "This was your late 20s" and I pushed through. However after starting the medicine there a slight "clearing" so speak of this fog that was hanging over me. 

I still get some numbness, and I still often feel dizzy- but the fact that I can say "this is why I feel this way" keeps my mind at ease. 

Along with taking the medicine I have also tried to get back into a healthy lifestyle (because after the wedding I just went off a cliff) -- Starting in January I did my 3rd round of Whole30. (( I will be putting together a post about my Whole30 later since I get so many questions about it!)) I also started a 12 week fitness challenge in order to get me back into the gym! I'm feeling stronger and healthier by the day. 

A few stories that I'd like to share about different encounters.

I recently opened up to a few of the members that take my class at the gym about my MS. I was nervous about doing this because I didn't want them to think of me as a "lesser" or "not as strong" trainer. 

I had one individual come up to me after class to thank me for sharing my experience, since she too was battling an autoimmune disease and was trying to get herself back into the gym. She now comes to my class weekly.  

Another really cool thing that happened was that I was introduced to someone who was also going through the beginning stages of a MS diagnosis. We were able to swap stories, share our fears and hopes and just connect due to the fact that we both are going through the same thing. 

There is always good in the bad, and I like to live like that. 

One of my goals this year was to sign up for the MS walk in Baltimore. If you have any interest in donating, or walking please follow the link below.

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